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Self-Care,  Special-Care, and Problem-Solving Remedies

 It is of my opinion that there are stages of care for all ailments. Self-Care, Special-Care, and Problem-Solving remedies. These wellness protocols can enhance our wellbeing. Self-Care is easy to do, available, and in the long run saves you money and adds life to your years.

 Self-Care: Know your blood type, Consume 9-13 servings of fruits and vegetables daily, and drink clean water. 

 First, know your blood type. I have experienced many solutions to staying healthy & maintaining my ideal weight by eating for my blood type. (See Dr. Peter D’Adamo  “Eat for your blood type”)

  Second, Bridge the gap to consume more than the recommended servings of fruits and vegetables each day by adding powdered fruits and veggies to your daily intake. Clinical research proves the absence of phytonutrients and antioxidants, is how most cancers begin. See Juice Plus and Bridge the Gap today between what you know you should eat and what you actually do eat. 

 Thirdy, improve your DNA by drinking plenty of clean, alkaline water every day, ( see Living Water by Vollara and The Pi Mag gravity fed pH counter unit by Nikken ).

 Special Care: Neutralize Air, Clean Home and Laundry with non-toxic products, and Replace Amino Acids

 First, neutralize the air in your home. I’ve used Living Air by Vollara for many years. ( Find the right size filters for your home, and travel. )

 Second, Not only are biodegradable cleaning and laundry products best for the environment and you, they are easier on your home and clothing.  (see Melaleuca The Wellness Co. )

 Third, the water we drink definitely affects our health. Drink pH balanced water to promote proper hydration.  Nikken offers the gravity fed counter unit ,Pi Mag water filter for $3  Vollara offers the Living Water machine, a constant electrical and cold-water supply required. And replace amino acids 

 Problem Solving Care: Get a Proper Diagnosis, Oils, and Amino acids 

 First and always, get a proper diagnosis!

 Second, implement the above Self-care and Special Care, then use oils and Amino Acids. Canbiola *please note:  MelaleucadoTERRA for therapeutic oils and diffusers.

Amino Acids enhances our body’s ability to return to a state of balance and optimum health. Laminine is provides the body with all 22 amino acids needed for cellular health. 

 Thirdly, I know from personal experience that prevention is a whole lot easier than correction. I have over 20 years of research and a willingness to mentor anyone who desires help.